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First Year in Review

     I could not have imagined what my first year here at UC would have turned into. At the beginning, I was surprised by how many people there were, just everywhere. After I got adjusted and learned the campus a little better, I hit the ground running. I made friends, went to club meetings, worked on projects in the engineering lounge till 1:30 in the morning, and slept much less than I should have. Despite these things, I am so happy I chose to come to UC!

     Fall semester felt somewhat like a fever dream. I moved in, met my four random roommates, went to classes, made lots of new friends, made chick-fil-a runs, discovered Graeter's black raspberry chip ice cream, woke up at five in the morning for training and lifeguarding, completed candidacy for two organizations, attended AEI meetings, and more. This semester, the Air Force ROTC program had the biggest impact on me personally. There, I found my group of people. We became peas in a pod in the matter of minutes. We went through the candidacy processes together and I knew I had a great support system behind me whenever I needed it. 

     Spring semester had the biggest impact on me and my goals. That is because I truly learned the definition of busy and the importance of taking care of yourself. For a little background, I held an AAS position, volunteered every week, and had the honor of being assigned a wing job in addition to taking 23 credit hours. Throughout this semester, I developed the goal of conducting myself professionally no matter the situation. I also developed the want to be prepared for what was coming my way. I attended multiple meetings a week and found that it is essential to be prepared to not waste precious time. This realization helped me develop my personal/academic goal of having my ideas together before the start of the meeting ot exam. I am hoping to build on this organizational style in the future. 

     Looking to the future, the fall 2023 semester is going to be pretty busy yet again! I will be taking a full 18 hour course load along with participating in many campus and off campus activities. (For more information, check out my involvement page.) My academic goal for this upcoming year is to schedule times to study for exams at least 3 days in advance of the test. I struggled with this last semester, so I am planning to get a better grasp on my study habits. As for the campus activities, I am looking forward to growing my leadership experiences and honing my leadership style. 

     I will be co-oping in the spring of 2024, and I am excited to get more field experience and broaden my knowledge on the aspects of architectural engineering. One of my aspirations is to get a co-op in Hawaii by the time I graduate. A professional goal I have is to learn at least 5 major items that have to do with the design and construction process by the end of my first co-op. 

     All around, this year has been great! Hopefully, I’ll see you next year after my skydiving adventures. (More to come next year.)

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